Red Wing Aerials offers both ground and aerial videography services, complete from concept development through final production.
Pricing depends upon a number of factors including location, timing, duration of video, sound & graphic requirements, amount of editing required, etc. We can offer you anything from a simple 10-second video clip for your graphics department to insert into a television ad to a 30-minute feature presentation. Contact us to discuss your requirements or complete our online Quote Request form to receive a quote. Below are a few samples of our drone and aerial videography, the first of which is our latest sample using our new 4K video camera (make sure and adjust your playback settings to get the full 4K experience):
Drone Video
Drones videography services allow us to get really low and tight on your subject property and are the best platform to use when you want to primarily show off the beauty and details of primarily just your site. Drones videography offer a unique perspective that we're unable to capture from airplane altitudes of 1,000' and above.
Airplane + Helicopter Video
While drones offer a unique perspective of your site, drone flight is limited to 400' and below, and may not be flown within the surface area of any "towered" airport. For properties located within these prohibited areas and in cases where you want to better tell the story of your sites' unique location attributes with a bit "broader" view, we offer aerial videography services from airplanes and helicopters.
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